How to Use & Read Your Knope Test

What do I do if my Knope only shows 1 blue line (invalid/no reaction)?
Check Time
- Double check the amount of time you have waited for results, add 2 more drops of you drink
- If you have waited longer than 3-5 minutes and have added the two extra drops of your drink, the test was ineffective and should be voided
Run Again
- Run a second test with a different Knope to see results
- Repeat until results show
What do I do if my Knope shows 3 lines (no drug presence)?
Keep Caution
- Three lines on your Knope means that no drugs have been detected
- Even though this means no drugs have been detected, stay cautious as there is a reason why you tested your drink in the first place
- Keep your friends close, your Knope closer, and your drink closest
- Party on!
What do I do if my Knope shows 2 lines (1 red, 1 black) or 1 red line (drug presence)?
Stay Calm
- Double check that the reaction matches with a positive drug detection
- Preserve your Knope as evidence
Stop Drinking
- Stop drinking your drink immediately
- Do not drink any other beverages offered to you (this includes water)
Inform Someone
- Inform someone that is not in your proximity that your Knope has detected drug presence, who you are with, where you are, and any other necessary information
- It is very important to tell someone outside of your location because anyone could have drugged you (even friends or acquaintances)
Leave the Premise
- If possible, have the external person pick you up
- If not possible, have another external resource help you leave your location
- Call the police or have security wait with you and escort you out in case you black out
- Have the police or security call an ambulance or take you to the hospital
Go to the Hospital
- Go to the hospital as soon as you can
- Tell the doctor that there may be a chance you have been drugged
- Request a urine or blood toxicology test to validate drug presence
- Drugs can metabolize from the body within 12-72 hours so request immediate testing
Report or Charge
- Decide whether you would like to initiate legal action
For next steps, check out our "What Now?" Campaign?
*Knope® Test has been designed to test for the most common drugs used in drink spiking: Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol or Roofies), Alprazolam (Xanax®), Diazepam (Valium®), Diazepam (Diastat), Temazepam (Restoril®), Oxazepam (Serax®), Lorazepam (Ativan®), Etizolam, Triazolam (Halcion®), Nitrazepam (Mogadon®), Ketamine, and Norketamine.
*Failure to use Knope® Test with specified beverages may lead to inaccurate results.